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AP Stylebook Study Guides

One year ago, the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook officially launched its AP Stylebook Study Guides -- a series of self-scoring quizzes that help you build your knowledge and understanding of AP style guidance, whether you're a new editor or a seasoned communications professional. The announcement was made on March 24, 2023, at the conference for ACES: The Society for Editing in Columbus, Ohio.

I was honored to be a part of the awesome team who helped transform the original quizzes into important and relevant topics covering both the mechanics of writing and the more complex issues of storytelling.

The project communication began in November 2021, but the actual work didn’t begin until January 2022. Besides me, the quiz reviewers were Lisa McLendon, coordinator of the Bremner Editing Center at the University of Kansas, and Andy Bechtel who teaches editing and writing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Our work was reviewed by Paula Froke, AP Stylebook editor, and Colleen Newvine, AP product manager.

In a little more than a year, we reviewed 90+ quizzes and communicated in more than 250 emails and notifications (how nice that Google counts that for you). The Study Guides are divided into two sections: mechanics and content. They cover topics including capitalization, commas, hyphens, numerals, inclusive storytelling, disabilities, health and science, the differences between the AP Stylebook and the Chicago Manual of Style, myths about AP style rules, business, and religion, and much more!

For access to the quizzes, you have a couple of options:

  1. Order the product at AP’s website, and you’ll be able to review the quizzes in your online stylebook account.

  2. Sign up for AP’s Stylebook Workshop (5 weeks and online), which features access to the Study Guides. Each course registration includes access to AP Stylebook Online and the Study Guides, which also reinforce the workshop's lessons.

Even though I’m a long-time copyeditor, I love taking the quizzes. We can all use refreshers. Copyediting is lifelong learning and always will be. After you take each quiz, you receive immediate scoring and explanations that you can review in the “Results and Stats” section.

Consider subscribing to the quizzes and filling your mind’s toolbox!

Say it with Steele, x C



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