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Life "Detuors"

Two-and-a-half years ago, I wanted a life adventure. I moved to Detroit, got out of my comfort zone, and experienced the four seasons. My adventure took me to places I never could have imagined, including to the other side of Michigan where I lived for two years. I learned so much, especially about myself. And winter was not as bad as I thought it would be!

The Midwestern people really are just as nice as everyone said they’d be. I quickly found out they also loved grammar and language. They embraced my love for the ampersand and even gifted me with ampersand items. And a couple of my friends said they were now more aware of how they typed messages to me paying attention to spacing and spellings. I'm leaving an imprint here.

Detour Ahead sign with typo

It’s time for my next life adventure, and I’m taking another “detuor” and moving back to the West Coast. The hardest part will be leaving my Michigan friends behind, but it’s never good-bye. We are forever connected in friendship, with good memories, and a love for language. I know this part of my life journey was meant to be.

Thanks to my friend Nancy, who pulled over in California just to take the photo of this sign!

Say it with Steele, x C

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